Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Pisces Full Moon

Amplify’d from astrology.about.com

This year's Pisces Full Moon is on August 24th. For West Coast US, time is 10:04 am, for East coast, 1:04 pm. Universal Time is 5:04 pm.

Other names for the August Full Moon: The Great Lakes tribes called it Sturgeon Moon, for the fish they knew were plentiful in August. Other tribes called it the Full Red Moon, for its reddish hue upon rising, Green Corn Moon or Grain Moon.

When the Moon is full in Pisces, the Sun is in the opposite sign of Virgo.

Pisces is a mutable sign, making it about dissolving, shuffling pieces, new combinations. Pisces is a water sign, with an emphasis on the imagination, unity through the heart, spiritual longing, transcendence, mystical visions.

Full Moon in Pisces: sharing intimacy with all of humanity, seeing beyond the surface of things, symbolic language and imagery, fantasy and escape, addiction, lost souls, the vast unknown, loss of Self, sacrifice or devotion, unconditional love.

This Full Moon illuminates: the depth of meaning in relationships and events; the wider mystery of why we're here; how we're merged as humans; the power of the collective heart impulse; divinely inspired creative ideas, chances to be a comfort in a dark time; vivid dreams of other realms and lives.

It's a Good Time to: make dinner for a friend with the blues; start volunteering with children, animals, the elderly and vulnerable; get lost in your own imagination!; keep the schedule clear for daydreaming; take a long healing soak, or swim in the ocean; spend time past the monkey mind (in meditation or a walk in nature); go to the theatre or the cinema; see yourself as an infinite being; speak from the heart; let yourself feel deeply; be with those you love.

Read more at astrology.about.com

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Thanks for sharing your positive thoughts with all SWOTWs. :)